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Uefa Cups by Ricardo

Main » 2012 » April » 24 » Domestic league updates 23 April
Domestic league updates 23 April
We're getting closer to the end. The league overview sheet start to show more and more white and blue stripes in stead of the brown, and the CL& end EL particpants also starts to get more blue. In the mean time we get this week the returns for the semifinals in CL and EL. All 4 are sill not (completely) decided. Bayern deserved the win and Real has to really show what they can to win.  I rdon't think it will be a problem. In the other Chelsea won first elg 1-0 and Barcelona now really has to start scoring. They had quite some chances last week, but how hard will the loss vs. Real be felt. Chelsea will try to defend as good as they can to pull the 0-0 over the line, but with a little moreaccuratesse Barca will win 2-0 ....
In EL Valencia made the game interesting with their second in the 4-2 loss. 2-0 is a possibility. But can they keep Madrid from scoring. IN the other half Sporting fought brave and good for their 2-1 win. Now what can Bibao do to over come this hurdle after taking ManUtd and Schalke......
Views: 1122 | Added by: Ricardo | Rating: 5.0/1 |
Total comments: 3
1 kimi  
Chelsea's result may be important for set-up Legia in III QCL.

2 Sportik  
Ukraine domestic results have almost finalized EL 12/13 qualification. Metalurg Donetsk hit the cup final and get an EL spot. The rest are the most likely to be obtained by Dnipro & Arsenal Kyiv.

3 MeaghanTam06  
I'm an expert on the topic and I couldn't have written it better myself

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